Who is the Holy Spirit? This question has been asked for hundreds of years and it is an important topic for our discussion here.

The Bible tells us in the first chapter of Genesis that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the earth and put into motion that which God spoke. Really!?! What in the world does this mean??

It means that the Holy Spirit is the action part of God. He is the One who brings about the Will of God!

Jesus Himself tells us to ask the Father for the Holy Spirit. Jesus also instructed the Disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit before they went out to perform miracles or to tell others about Jesus and Eternal Life.

Why is this? Jesus knew that the early Disciples needed a power beyond themselves in order to live the way God commanded. The same need is here today. If you are born again but have not asked for the power of the Holy Spirit to fill you, then you are living in your own power. This would explain why are can’t get past certain sins or continue to rebel against God’s Word.

The Holy Spirit is the power of God in us.  God is the only One who can resist evil, who can resist sin, who can live a holy and righteous life.  We can’t live like this without the Holy Spirit.

If you haven’t asked Jesus into your heart and life yet, I encourage you to do so soon!  Time is running out and we are watching Bible prophecy be fulfilled every day.  But don’t stop at asking Jesus to forgive you and fill you.  Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, to “baptize” you with His fire and power.  Only then can you live with the power of God in your life.

Jesus told us to ask for the Holy Spirit. God hasn’t changed, the human nature hasn’t changed, our need for God hasn’t changed.

So, if Jesus said we need Him (Jesus) and we need the Holy Spirit, then ask for both!  Why limit God!

Many years ago after I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, God showed me two pictures in my mind; sort of like a before and after set of pictures.  The “before” picture was of a round and solid globe.  He showed me that that was how I saw my spiritual life. Solid and complete.  The “after” picture was of that same globe cut in half to reveal the inside.  The core of that sphere was missing!! God showed me that the Holy Spirit was the core and that I had been missing the core and the power of God but didn’t know it.

Like the core of the earth generates the power and holds the earth together, so the Holy Spirit at the center of a Believer provides us the power to live like we should and the Holy Spirit holds us together spiritually.

Remember, we are still human and we are still prone to sin and prone to rebellion.  But, the Holy Spirit gives us a new power to resist sin and to live in humility.  He reminds us to ask God for help; He reminds us of all Jesus did for us on the Cross; He gives us the supernatural strength to be a powerful Believer and to be the kind of person God wants us to be.

The Holy Spirit puts God’s plan to action in our life.  Ask to be Baptized with the Holy Spirit right now and trust God to do incredible things in your life!

I hope you’ll pray this prayer and then write and tell me about it!