Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Merry Christmas!

I’ve re-posted this because of technical problems. Let’s try it again!

We pray each of you had a blessed Thanksgiving and that you will keep Jesus in the forefront of your Christmas plans.  Merry Christmas to you!!

Pastor Kinn preached a wonderful message on being a Witness to the congregation of Genesis Worship Center in Daly City, California. Just Click Here if you’d like to watch it and be inspired about your personal witness and learn some quick hints about how to share the Good News of Jesus with those you know.

We are actively pursuing speaking engagements and looking for churches who want to hold a conference for their congregation or for groups such as Women’s Aglow or Christian Men’s Fellowship.  If you are affiliated with one of these groups or one similar and know they are looking for speakers, please pass on our contact information.  Many thanks!!

Think about the passage below during this Season of Joy.  Jesus Himself is at our right hand!! Nothing can shake us from his love and joy. Here also we see the prophetic word that Jesus would not see decay and we know this to be true! How good is the love of God, how worthy of praise is He!  Indeed, take time to rest in Him, to rejoice in Him to dwell in His presence each day.  And have a blessed Merry Christmas!!

Psalm 16:8-11, “I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will dwell securely. For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol; nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay. You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever.”

Itinerary Update

Greetings Friends!

We’ve had a busy Summer, and Fall is shaping up to be busy as well. I’m sure you’re schedules are also busy, busy, busy!

God has been so good to introduce us to some special friends here in San Francisco.  Pastor Pedro and Pastor Victor share a building but each ministers to a different congregation.  We’ve been blessed to minister to each of their churches on different occasions.  Please join with us in prayer for them and the important work they are doing among the Latin people here.

Pastor Pedro has asked us to do a conference at their church in mid October–I’ll let you know the dates soon.  We’ll be teaching them about the roles of Men and Women as designed by God. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for this important conference.

Also, Genesis Worship Center in Daly City has asked us to put on a mini-conference on Effective Evangelism Everywhere on December 10th.

Next year will probably see us in San Salvador in June and in England at a time yet to be determined.

WOW!!  We are excited about the direction God is taking this ministry and we pray for His perfect Will to be done in our lives.  Please know that we pray for you all often and we are grateful to all of our friends and prayer partners.  Without you, this ministry wouldn’t happen.  THANK YOU!! and God bless you!

In Jesus’ Name,


819 Added to the Kingdom!!

WOW!!  The Effective Evangelism Everywhere conference was a powerful success.  Not only were people trained in how to share their faith effectively, but 819 souls were added to the Kingdom of God.  Think about it!! For 2 days, there was a riotous celebration going on in Heaven as the Angels celebrated these people coming to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Several people experienced miraculous healing.  One lady received her sight, one lady was able to emerge from her wheelchair and walk, one man who was covered with skin lesions was healed, and there were many others.

We have now scheduled our next teaching conference to be held Saturday, September 11, 2010, at the Fort Mason Conference Center.  The teaching is entitled Binding and Loosing and is on the authority of Christ given to us.  This is an incredible teaching that will give you the tools you need to live victoriously.

Click here to register or to read more about it.

Effective Evangelism Everywhere

Coming this Friday, July 23rd through Sunday, July 25th, 2010!!! Nick Kinn will be here in San Francisco for our Effective Evangelism Everywhere conference.

This is a teaching and training conference with hands-on experience in a team setting to teach people how to effectively share their faith and lead someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  We are so excited about the team Nick is bringing from Minneapolis.  Nick will teach in the short training sessions and then we’ll hit the streets of San Francisco to share Jesus.  Each person from Nick’s church will lead a team in a show-and-teach type setting on the streets.

You’ll be able to see first-hand how to approach people, how to ask probing questions to determine their spiritual condition, and how to minister to them in an effective manner. Then you’ll have a chance to practice yourself with the team leader there as coach.

Here’s the schedule.  We’d love to have you!



Time Flies!

It is hard to believe June is here already!!  Seems like just yesterday that I wrote the last blog.  Oh well!

God has been speaking to us again about authority and the spiritual office we each hold as men and women. I say “again” because this is a topic God taught us about many years ago and He still thinks it is important.

We have discovered that men and women in our country are confused by their roles mainly because our society, via the media, has decided that the roles should be reversed. The women’s liberation movement began in earnest in the 1970s and after 40 years of media training, they have succeeded in confusing everyone, both men and women.

Before you decide to tune out, I’m a woman who was raised in this same environment! The reason I think differently is because I have read the Bible and decided LONNNNGGGGG ago that God knows what He’s doing.  We are His creation, the Bible is our instruction book, and it is up to us to follow it if we want things (society, families, personal life) to work right.

Imagine buying a nice new car (they always comes with an instruction book).  Something goes wrong the 2nd day you have the car so you get out your trusty little book and look up the problem.  The book tells you to put in Hi-Octane gasoline instead of Regular due to some fine point of engineering.  If you use Regular gasoline, the book says, it will eventually damage the engine and require very costly repairs.

Now you have a decision to make.  Do you obey the owners manual or do you do what you want.  Hmmmmm, long engine life or short engine life and BIG repair bills?  Think I’ll go with Hi-Octane; I don’t like it but I want this car to last a long time and be trouble free.

Now the Bible is OUR owner’s manual with instructions for how to live long and happy lives. The instructions might not agree with what we think or with what society tells us but the instructions are from THE Manufacturer.  Our decision is whether or not to do what the Instruction Book says.

Take a look at Galatians 5:16-24.  This passage tells us that the flesh (OUR desires) and our Spirit are in opposition to each other. Sound familiar?  Think about this passage and tune in next week for another installment where we’ll explore our roles as designed by God.

Grace and peace to you,


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